
About Me

Rather than a normal bio, I decided to share my background through a series of  really random questions:

Favorite Color: Purple, although I love orange and blue, my entire room is completely purple, and I absolutely love purple
Favorite College: In case you weren't aware, it would have to be the University of Illinois
Favorite accessory: Scarves!! My family calls me the scarf queen
Pets: None.  I'm not a huge fan of animals.  The only dog I really like is my boyfriend's.
Favorite Activity: Band.  My one description of myself would have to be band geek.  I do everything band, and I excel at everything band.
Favorite Disney movie: Mulan. *LET'S GET DOWN TO BUSINESS!*
Favorite food: Uhm...Probably chocolate lava cake or chocolate mousse... and CHIPS AND SALSA OMNOMNOMNOM
Favorite shoes: Boots! Specifically my riding boots.  But seriously.  Boots are the bomb dot com.
Favorite sport: It'd be a combination of football, basketball, and volleyball.
Current nail polish: Chipped off red nail polish leftover from Homecoming
Favorite season: FALL! Football, cuddling, blankets, and SCARVES
Languages: Spanish and English.  AP Spanish is the bane of my existence though...
Proudest Moment: I don't even know, right now I'm pretty proud of two things.  My boyfriend's younger brother told his mom that he really likes me.  And we won best drum majors, and had the highest score of the day at our last competition - winning this award was basically my dream since I became drum major.  But are they my proudest moments? I have no idea
Favorite memory: I don't have a favorite memory.  Most of my memories are pretty great.  And if they aren't, well I just avoid thinking about them.
Most embarrassing moment: Like every time I get called out in band...
Darkest, deepest secret: Nonexistent- I'm a pretty open book.
Future life: Oh my goodness.  Like I even know.  I'll just say that I am going to rule the world.  Aim high right?
If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? A new phone
If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change? This question.  No just kidding.  I have no idea.  I'd probably change something with women's rights in other countries.
Do you like to dance? I may not be good at it, and I definitely am embarrassing because of how frequently I do it - but I absolutely love to dance
Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? James
Would you ever consider living abroad? Absolutely
Can you whistle? Only if I have my whistle.
Can you do push-ups? Puh-leaze.  Like of course I can.  I can do like nine million of them! Just kidding.  My arms are literally skin and bone.  I can't even do one push-up.
Favorite place to be: Washington D.C.  I absolutely love the history and excitement in our nation's capital.


    1. LR stands for Lauri, LG stands for Lexie. Proceed.

      Favorite Color: LR= Orange, LG = Purple (Justin Bieber’s fave color ZOMG!)
      Favorite College: LR = MIZZOU. ILLINOIS SUCKS. LG = no opinion
      Favorite accessory: LR = my polar pop mug LG = shoes
      Pets: LR = I hate animals LG = my dawgs (they’re the loves of my life)
      Favorite Activity: LR = making Lexie feel stupid LG = sleeping
      Favorite Disney movie: LR = Lion King WHADDUP. LG = ive never watched Disney movies
      Favorite food: LR = candycorn num num num LG = homemade noodles
      Favorite shoes: LR = my converse sandals (mindblown) LG = fluffy bunny slippers
      Favorite sport: LR = FOOTBALL. LG = wat iz exsersize
      Current nail polish: LR = au naturale LG = none
      Favorite season: LR = WINTER, LG = FALL(BC OF LAURI’S BDAY)
      Languages: LR = pig latin LG = SPANGLISH
      Proudest Moment: LR = being “thug” enough to have my car searched by cops for drugs. LG = when Lauri insults me <333
      Favorite memory: LR = when Emma included me in her profile picture, LG = Minnesota
      Most embarrassing moment: LR = im not embarrassing LG = when I started laughing while giving a serious church sermon at the Christmas play
      Darkest, deepest secret: LR= I killed a person LG = I eat food sometimes
      Future life: LR = millionaire holla, LG = idk
      If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy? LR = a polar pop for every person in the world, LG = clothes
      If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change? LR = more cowbell LG = Gatorade would have to change their flavors so they actually taste different
      Do you like to dance? LR = LOVE IT!!!!!! LG = i like it
      Imagine your first child is a boy, what do you call him? LR = james LG = james
      Would you ever consider living abroad? LR = YES, LG = YES
      Can you whistle? LR = yes, LG = NO
      Can you do push-ups? We both are lacking in that area
      Favorite place to be: LR = Taco Bell on College Ave. in the booth on the right side of the aisle if you walk in facing the counter, LG = minnesota

      1. Just wanted to show you I didn't delete it. Yay!


    Thank you for reading my blog!